Sunday, May 16, 2010

The case of the stolen margarita

Would you expect to see a mexican food place in Italy? I definitely didnt!

This past Friday night we ate dinner at TIjuana's Mexican food for JJ's birthday. Making reservations was a battle, and the place was packed when we got there... apparently mexican food is pretty popular this side of the world.

Although it was nothing authentic like you would find in San Diego, or other parts of Cali, the food was delicious and trumped any expectations i had of mexican food in Italy.

The restaurant was super crowded, and tables were real close to each other, making moving around a struggle, and privacy at your table practically impossible. However, the love-birds a few feet to the side of us found themselves in their own world, and took a break from their giant margarita to enjoy some time in each other's eyes. What happened next shocked all of us that saw. Two girls from a table across the room walked over to the kissing couple's table with an empty giant margarita glass. They proceeded to switch straws with the couple, and walk away with the almost full margarita, leaving their empty glass for the occupied couple to find!!! WHATTT. they surely must know the couple, and it surely must have been a joke right? After watching the situation closely, and noting the high-fives that were exchanged back at the girls table, our jaws continued to drop. After coming up from their love exchange, the couple did not seem to notice that their margarita glass was now completely empty. We decided to fill our neighbors in on the recent happenings. The couple was shocked, and confirmed to us that they did not know the girls from across the restaurant.

Luckily, no fights broke out, and the couple just left angrily. I am still shocked, and next time we are eating at Tijuana's we will be watching our drinks!

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