Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How would you get to Munich?

When traveling in Europe, with six other unemployed college students, you have to be wise about how you spend each dollar... or in this case the euro. The fact that the european exchange rate is so poor doesn't really help our cause either. However, we pulled our heads together and figured out some great strategies to save on a trip to Germany. Strategy number 1- Sleeper trains.
Now, if we leave at night, and take a 11 hr sleeper train straight to Munich, Germany, we will get there in the morning, fully rested, and save on the otherwise cost of a hotel. Perfect. So the six of us (Lindsey, Jen, Fabrizio, JJ, Armando and I) grabbed our backpacks and headed out the front door of the Villa. We stopped on our walk to the train station to pick up some necessities for the ride (pizza and wine of course) and eventually climbed aboard around 10:00 pm.
Now, none of us had ever actually been on a sleeper train, but we knew that from movies and pictures it didnt seem bad, and we had a 6 person room reserved for us... so it was going to be great right?! Right. After being yelled at several times in German, we finally found our little room. Emphasis on LITTLE.

The room was about 5 x 6, and with the beds down, had no more than a foot of room between the beds. What a surprise! Clearly this wasnt going to be comfortable to hang out in until we went to sleep, so we took on the challenge of converting the beds to sofas... (supposedly a super easy task).

Well, after the boys struggled and the rest of us blocked the narrow walkway of the moving train for a good 15 minutes, we finally had a couple of small "sofas" to sit on. Luckily we had great spirits about this whole thing, and had a fun time despite the lack of room.

The pizza, wine, and simple exhaustion allowed for us to get a few hours of decent sleep. Woken up by a loud pound on the door, the funny German lady working the train returned our tickets and passports. 6am and the six of us had a no more than 10 minutes to be ready to adventure in Munich!

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